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My Internet Research T-Shirt


What are you talking about? I'm not going to listen to anything you say until you do the research, find the truth, and agree with everything I'm saying. I know what I'm talking about since I did my own research. On the internet! It's all right there. You know, the real facts, the ones that show that what I'm saying is right. Completely right. Educate yourself. Just don't listen to the so called experts. They're lying.

This is a TAN Bella + Canvas 3001 Unisex T-Shirt (100% cotton)

WORDS :: My internet research leads me to the truth. Always. Every time. Absolutely I'm sure of it. / Glittering Ditch

TAGS :: #internetresearch #thetruth #truth #imsureofit #feedbackloop #selfreinforcing #alternativefacts #stayaway