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Superior Loathing T-Shirt


Always striving for the top of the heap in their gloomy, mercenary corporate sector, it's Superior Loathing Corp! You're invited to stand shoulder to shoulder with them and look down on everyone else. Or maybe you'll stand somewhere else.... with everyone else.

The unisex version is a NAVY BLUE Gildan 64000 Unisex Softstyle T-Shirt (100% cotton)

The women’s-specific version is a NAVY BLUE Anvil 880 Fashion Fit T-Shirt (100% cotton)

WORDS :: Stand with Superior Loathing Corporation / a division of International Repugnance Industries / Providers of Highest Quality Scorn, Hate & Disrespect Since 1946 / Trust us, you disgust us!

TAGS :: #superiorloathing #trustus #t-shirt #mastercorp #glitteringditch #trustusyoudisgustus #repugnance #disrespect #scorn #corporateshirt #decencywins #corporateswamp #foundintheditch